Fundamental of Nursing Lab

Fundamental of Nursing Lab

RIMT Introduction

Fundamental of nursing lab is the basic foundation lab in the art of nursing. It exposes all equipment's which are used for giving care to the patient in practical way it will guide students to improve knowledge and to assess the patient care effectively and efficiently.


  • 1) Nursing foundation highlights the significance of fundamental needs of humans and competence in skills as pre requisites in providing extensive nursing care.
  • 2) It is depicted to help students to develop and understand the philosophy objectives theories and process of nursing in various clinical settings.
  • 3) This lab helps students in understanding and practicing clinical procedures which they will performing daily in hospital setting.
  • 4) The modern article instrument linen lockers cup boards male and female mannequins dummy etc. are made available for the students to get better practical experiences.
  • 5) The lab helps to develop nursing skills through guidance by expert teaching faculty.


  • 1) Learning is performing doing all basic nursing procedure like bed mainly hygienic etc.
  • 2) Practice aseptic techniques during the procedure.
  • 3) They are allowed to issue the article for the procedure.
  • 4) These all activities are done for encouraging the students to be a functional nurse.
  • 5) Students can identify instruments used in invasive procedure in hospitals.


  • 1) It is equipped with beds including cardiac bed, fracture bed and IV arm manikin blood transfusions manikin & of all items needed for nursing procedure practice
  • 2) It has numerous and CPR dummy for student’s practice of various procedures.
  • 3) It is well ventilated with adequate lighting and provides facilities for practice of students at a time.
  • 4) The lab has hand washing facilities and separate area for teaching.
  • 5) The lab has adequate furniture equipments like wheelchairs Stretcher, Swedon suction apparatus and so on for facilities procedure practice
  • 6) The lab is well equipped with modern instruments.
  • 7) Our lab is spacious and well furnished and ventilated with sitting arrangement for students.
  • 8) This lab give exposure to our students of a hospital or a ward setting.
  • 9) This lab builds up the basic nursing skills in our students.