Student rules

1.All students are required to always carry their valid Identity Cards issued to them by the Institute.

2.All students are required to maintain standards of behavior expected of students of a prestigious institution. They are expected to behave courteously and fairly with every one inside and outside the RMRI campus.

3.The rooms, common areas and surroundings of the hostel should be kept clean and hygienic. Notices shall not be pasted on walls and walls shall not be scribbled on.

4.Rooms are allotted to each student on his/her personal responsibility. He/she should see to the upkeep of his/her room, hostel and its environment.

5.Students should bring to the notice of the caretaker any pending maintenance work (Civil, Carpentry, Electrical, and Sanitation) to be carried out in rooms, corridors, toilets or other areas in hostel premises.

6.Students should co-operate in carrying out maintenance work and vacate their rooms completely when the Hostel administration requires the rooms for this purpose. On such occasions, the management will try to provide alternate accommodation. If any maintenance work is to be carried out when the room is under occupation, it is the occupant’s responsibility to make the room available for the maintenance work.

7.The resident of a room is responsible for any damage to the property in the room during his / her occupancy of that room and will be required to replace/repair at their own cost the damage, if any.

8.In case of damage to or loss of hostel property the cost will be recovered from the students responsible for such damage or loss, if identified, or from all the students of the wing/hostel, as decided by the Wardens

9.The resident shall not move any furniture from its proper allotted place and also not damage them in anyway. If there are any additional items other than the above belonging to the hostel in a room, the occupant of the room shall hand over them to the caretaker, failing which he/she will be charged a penal rent as decided by the Wardens.

10.Ragging of students admitted to the Institute is totally banned. Any violation of this by the senior students will be dealt with very severely as per the Institute norms and guidelines issued from time to time by the competent authorities.

11.Freshers should report incidents of ragging immediately. Those who do not do so even when being witnesses or victims, will be considered to be part of this practice, and will also be punished accordingly.

12.When the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified, collective punishment on suspected group could be resorted to as a possible deterrent measure, as it would ensure community pressure on the potential raggers not to indulge in ragging.