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These rules and regulations are complementary to the rules and regulations of the college.
1.Inmates of the hostels should strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the hostels. A declaration to this effect should be signed at the time of admission.
2.The Warden / Dy. Warden shall act as the local guardian of the inmates of the hostel.
3.No student is permitted to leave the hostel without the consent of parents and without permission from the Warden.
4.While going outside the hostel premises, the inmates should maintain discipline and their behaviour and conduct should be impeccable so as to keep up the honour and prestige of the College. If there is any complaint against any of the inmates regarding his / her misbehaviour, severe disciplinary action will be taken, which may even lead to expulsion from the Hostel or College.
5.The dean is vested with powers to regulate the hostel admission assisted by the respective wardens and to enforce general discipline in the hostels. Admission may be refused to any student seeking the same, and any inmate may be dismissed without assigning reason, if they indulge with any gross misbehaviour.
6.The mess coupons shall be collected on or before 1st of every month or with – one week after the mess charges for the previous month are put up on the Notice Board. No reduction in mess charges is permitted for leave of absence.
7.Inmates are not permitted to organize any picnic or pleasure trip without the permission of the dean. No unauthorized meetings, social/communal gathering or activities are permitted in the premises of the hostels. Any such meeting or activity will be viewed very seriously and action which may include dismissal from the Hostel will be taken against the organizers.
8.Guests / day scholars are not allowed to stay in the hostels without prior permission from concerned authority. Action will be taken against if any guest / day scholar is found in the rooms.
9.Rooms shall be kept neat and tidy. The inmates are responsible for the care of the furniture and fittings in their respective rooms. For loss or damage to hostel property the inmates will be penalized and the cost will be recovered from them.
10.Visitors will be permitted only on Sundays and other holidays between 7.00 A.M. and 06.30 P.M.
11.In order to reach the classes in time, all students residing in the hostels should start from the hostel according to the schedule. Late arrival in the class will be viewed seriously and such students may be asked to vacate the hostel in the event of repeated violation of the rule.
12.The use of electrical appliances like room heaters/ iron etc will not be allowed in the hostel.
13.Computer without CD drives will be allowed to be used in the hostel with permission from the Dean. The software stored should have been approved by the HOD and Warden.
14.Smoking, consumption of alcoholic drinks/drugs, non-veg, gambling, intimidation or violence, willful damage to property, entering the hostel premises in intoxicated state, shouting and using abusive language in their own hostel or in other hostel premises and campus, employing unauthorized persons for personal work such as washing clothes, etc., cooking in room are strictly not permitted.